We get a lot of questions from tourists and visitors about where to find labyrinths in London. Following the success of our walking tour at the end of July, we published a small leaflet about London labyrinths in the resource section of the Labyrinths in Britain website. We told the world about our walking tour in the latest edition of Labyrinth Pathways which was published digitally in September, and we are happy to make that article available here for those who don’t have access to the journal which is housed in the Members Section of The Labyrinth Society (TLS) website. You can read the article here.
We do our best to keep this website updated with current information about our British labyrinths and the labyrinth events that are happening around the UK. As always, we welcome new and updated information for our calendar, our map, or additions to our resources. To get in touch, please use our Contact Us form.